
So this website is also my first experiment with Hugo + Github pages. And one of my very few experiments with developing overall.

I know. Lame. But what else would you expect from someon that has never touched the code, if not for a couple of lessons at school? This website is only a place where I can park some thoughts and I wanted something simple and minimalistic, easy to deploy. I’ve read some suggestions online and I landed into this solution that involves Hugo as a static website generator and Github Pages as a hosting place. Ah, forgot to mention, I also wanted something to be free, so I don’t incur in the problem to have billings out of control. This solution satisfied me, in the end. The only flip-side is that, with this method, you have to generate a new website each time you deploy a new edit or post. This is not the most efficient way to update the website, but maybe I’m just unfamiliar with it.